Support Stories on Stage Davis

Like so many arts organizations, Stories on Stage Davis relies on the generous support of donors to survive. We are committed to paying our authors and actors for every performance, and your gifts are how we can do this. From honorariums to rent and concessions, each show costs us an average of $400-500 to produce. Door donations cover about half of that, so we rely on funding from the City of Davis Community Arts Grant program, and individual gifts community members for the rest.

You can make a huge difference with a donation of any amount! Because YoloArts is our fiscal agent, your donations are tax-deductible.

Please make your gift online here, click on the QR code below, or mail a check made out to YoloArts to the address below.

YoloArts QR code

PO Box 8250
Woodland, CA 95776
Memo: Stories on Stage Davis